Labor Standards Compliance

Mission Statement

The Mission of the NJEDA’s Labor Compliance department is providing fair and equal treatment to our construction contractors while ensuring exactitude, consistency, and validity in monitoring of Prevailing Wage, Affirmative Action, and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO).  

Labor Compliance monitors contractor compliance in the following:

NEw Jersey

Affirmative Action

Building Services Contract Act

Prevailing Wage

Project Labor Agreements (PLA)

Public Works and Contractor Registration


The Davis-Bacon Act

Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Act of 1968

NJEDA Construction Projects

sUPERSTORM Sandy Construction Projects

Forms and guidance for the NCR program

NCR Bid pack and pre-con list form Hud-4010 federal labor standards provision certification of bidder regarding EEO Bid-1 certification by proposed subcontractor regarding EEO Bid-2 subrecipient and gc aa eeo Section 3 prevailing wage addendum gc and subcontractor AA EEO Section 3 prevailing wage addendum NJEDA Sandy NCR Certification Bidders of Labor Standards and DBA NJEDA Sandy NCR Sub Contractor certification of Labor Standards and DBA US DEpt of labor Certified payroll WH-347 NJEDA Project Wage Rate Sheet CPR Review-blank Certified Payroll Checklist Db Signage-english db signage-spanish fraud prevention poster sandy fraud poster- spanish NJEDA Inital Constructon Project workforce Manning Report- AA Form 1 NJEDA Sub-Contractor Projection Form LS and EEO- AA Form 1a NJEDA Sandy monthly project workforce maning report – AA Form 2 exhibit 1- section 3 bidders proposed contracts-subs form exhibit 2- section 3 bidders business certification exhibit 3- section 3 bidders estimated new hires exhibit 4- section 3 Bidders employee and trainee data exhibit 5- section 3 employee household income certification form 5 exhibit 6- Section 3 bidders certification segregated facilities exhibit 7- Subcontractor certification segregated facilities Exhibit 8- section 3 plan format- template Exhibit 9- Section 3 bidders statement of commitment exhibit 10- section 3 projected utilization plan Appendix a plan-section 3 clause section 3 quarterly report appendix a-1 njeda ls aa EEo s3 completion certificate gc & subs NJEDA LS AA EEO S3 COMPLETION CERTIFICATE subrecipient & GC

Forms and guidance for Design/Build and Construction RFPs and Bidding

ERB Bid pack and pre-con list form Hud-4010 federal labor standards provision certification of bidder regarding EEO Bid-1 certification by proposed subcontractor regarding EEO Bid-2 subrecipient and gc aa eeo Section 3 prevailing wage addendum gc and subcontractor AA EEO Section 3 prevailing wage addendum NJEDA Sandy ERB Certification Bidders of Labor Standards and DBA NJEDA Sandy erb Sub Contractor certification of Labor Standards and DBA US DEpt of labor Certified payroll WH-347 NJEDA Project Wage Rate Sheet CPR Review Coversheet-blank Certified Payroll Checklist Db Signage-english db signage-spanish fraud prevention poster sandy fraud poster- spanish NJEDA Inital Constructon Project workforce Manning Report- AA Form 1 NJEDA Sub-Contractor Projection Form LS and EEO- AA Form 1a NJEDA Sandy monthly project workforce maning report – AA Form 2 exhibit 1- section 3 bidders proposed contracts-subs form exhibit 2- section 3 bidders business certification exhibit 3- section 3 bidders estimated new hires exhibit 4- section 3 Bidders employee and trainee data exhibit 5- section 3 employee household income certification form 5 exhibit 6- Section 3 bidders certification segregated facilities exhibit 7- Subcontractor certification segregated facilities Exhibit 8- section 3 plan format- template Exhibit 9- Section 3 bidders statement of commitment exhibit 10- section 3 projected utilization plan Appendix a plan-section 3 clause section 3 quarterly report njeda ls aa EEo s3 completion certificate gc & subs NJEDA LS AA EEO S3 COMPLETION CERTIFICATE subrecipient & GC Systems start-up and prevailing wage

Federal Wage Determinations can also be obtained from the Federal Wage Determination Online system at:

State of New Jersey prevailing wage rates may be obtained from the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Office of Wage and Hour compliance at:

1st Time User Registration
NJEDA AA Form 1 Instructions
NJEDA AA Form 2 Instructions

Click Here for Online Reporting by General Contractors

Working Partners

NJ Department of Treasury
NJ Department of Property Management and Construction

Contact us


Manager Diversity and Labor Standards



Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer
