

The Catalyst R&D Voucher Program is a $275,000 pilot program. Eligible applicants can apply for vouchers up to $25,000 to help offset the cost of leveraging R&D resources, facilities, and equipment at the state’s academic universities and colleges, federal and non-profit laboratories to advance their technology development.


The goal of the Catalyst Research and Development (R&D) Voucher Pilot Program is to support New Jersey-based early-stage company efforts to accelerate development and innovation of technologies to transform new discoveries from research stage into commercially viable technologies, leading to industry and investor interest.  

The objectives of the program are to:

  1. improve awareness, access to and utilization of New Jersey’s world-leading equipment, facilities, and makerspaces; and
  2. subsidize access to research and development equipment, facilities and makerspaces for small NJ-based companies that are developing innovative technologies.

Each eligible applicant can apply for multiple vouchers up to a cap of $25,000 in the aggregate over any twelve (12)-month period.

Each approved voucher will be valid for a period of twelve (12) months (starting from date of the execution of the voucher agreement). Any unused approved voucher amounts will be cancelled after the twelve (12) month period and returned to the program budget for future use.  At CSIT’s sole discretion, a voucher reservation may be extended for one three-month period if requested in writing prior to expiration.

Eligible Applicants can receive Vouchers to defray the costs associated with any of the following services or activities in a participating University Facility or Government labs:

  1. Use of Facility equipment and technicians for testing and development
  2. Training in preparation for independent use of the Facility equipment

The program is intended for early-stage NJ based companies developing or testing technologies transform new discoveries from research stage into commercially viable technologies, leading to industry and investor interest in the following target areas:

  • Advanced Manufacturing
  • Advanced Transportation and Logistics
  • Film and Digital Media
  • Life Sciences – Therapeutic Drug Development
  • Life Sciences – Other
  • Non-Retail Food and Beverage
  • Professional and Financial Services
  • Technology

Click on our Catalyst R&D Voucher Asset Map to find information on core facilities, equipment and makerspaces available in New Jersey’s world-class Universities and Federal labs to support clean tech/clean energy research and development.