In order to receive the Offshore Wind Tax Credit, a business must pay the following fees based on the number of new, full-time employees at the qualified wind energy facility (QWF) as listed in the application, and subsequently approved by NJEDA as follows:
Application Fee: a one-time non-refundable fee due at the time of application, based on the number of new, full-time employees as listed in the application:
Letter of Intent Fee: a non-refundable fee due at the time of execution of the non-binding letter of intent between the business and NJEDA based on the number of new, full-time employees proposed for consideration by the board. However, this fee shall be refunded if the Authority does not approve the tax credit.
Tax Credit Certificate (Issuance fee) (one time only): a non-refundable fee due prior to the receipt of the tax credit certificate based on the number of new, full-time employees approved by the board.
Annual Servicing Fee: an annual fee due at the time the business submits its annual report.
Tax Credit Transfer Fee: a fee due should a business apply for a tax credit transfer certificate or for permission to pledge a tax credit transfer certificate purchase contract as collateral.
Administrative Change Fee: a non-refundable fee for each request for any administrative changes, additions, or modifications to the tax credit. Major administrative changes, such as those requiring extensive staff time and Board approval, incur higher fees.
Certification Extension Fee: a non-refundable fee for each request for the first and subsequent six-month extension(s) to the date by which the business shall submit the certifications with respect to the capital investment and employees required upon completion of the capital investment and employment requirement
Termination Fee: an additional fee for businesses seeking to terminate an existing incentive agreement in order to participate in a different incentive agreement pursuant to P.L. 2018, c. 161. Major terminations, such as those that require extensive staff time or Board approval, incur higher fees.
| Projects with 150-299 jobs at the QWF | Project with 300+ jobs at the QWF |
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Tax Credit Certificate (Issuance fee) (one time only) | | |
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Tax Credit Transfer Fee (initial request) | | |
Tax Credit Transfer Fee (subsequent requests) | | |
Administrative Change Fee | | |
Major Administrative Change fee | | |
Certification Extension Fee (first six-month extension) | | |
Certification Extension Fee (subsequent six-month extensions) | | |
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